• +91 7010324993
  • We Serve with Pleasure
  • info@sanstrust.org
  • Discuss any Queries
  • Kil Ayanambakkam,
  • Chennai - 600 095.

"Animals can't say Love You, they show you"

SANS Story

SANS Animal Welfare Trust is a non- profit, non-governmental organisation founded by Mrs. Sudha Chandrasekar and her husband Mr. Chiranjeevi . After Mrs. Sudha encountered a life-altering incident that shook her conscience, she decided to put her heart and soul into animal welfare, rather than just consider it a philanthropic activity and Mr. Chiranjeevi extended his untiring support.
Driven by a mission to create a world in which no animal suffers from hunger, abuse, disease or injury, everything SANS Animal Welfare Trust does has the health and welfare of animals and birds at its heart.
As a family-run animal welfare organization, we invest large portion of our earnings in The Trust. This allows us to provide more advanced veterinary care for all animals and birds in distress as we believe they too deserve access to experienced and professional veterinary care when needed. We match our words with deeds at every step and have helped many animals lead better lives with the help of renowned specialists, including performing best in class orthopaedic surgeries in some cases
SANS, now one of the reputed animal welfare trusts in Chennai city, has played a significant role in rescue and adoption of street and abandoned animals including birds. This initiative has been well received and has helped multiply positivity, build a better human–animal bond and transform the quality of life for animals/birds and humans alike.


Mrs. Sudha Chandrasekar

Founder / Chairperson

Mr. Chiranjeevi Parthasarathy

Managing Trustee

Adopt a companion; don't buy one!

Your Help Can Save Many Lives!

SANS extends its helping hands in providing free medical treatments for homeless animals/birds and abandoned pets, vaccinating them, feeding the strays and birds every day and other activities. Big or small, your support plays a crucial role in changing the lives of these animals and helps us to provide them with the best care. Some portion will be used for our Rice and Water Bowl projects in #Letsfeedthevoiceless programme.